Website Design

Website Design UI UX

When it comes to web design, the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are two of the most important aspects. A good UI can make a website easy to use and navigate, while a good UX can make a website more enjoyable to use.

There are many different tools that can be used to create a UI or UX for a website. Figma and Adobe XD are two of the most popular tools for creating web designs. Photoshop is also commonly used for creating web designs.

But I personally use Figma in most of my projects.

Creating a good UI or UX is not always easy. It takes time and effort to create something that users will find both easy to use and enjoyable. However, it is worth the effort as a good UI or UX can make a website much more successful.

How do I solve your problems?

If you’re reading this, then you probably have a problem with your website. Or want to make a brand New Website.

Maybe it’s not loading correctly, or maybe it’s just not looking the way you want it to. Either way, don’t worry – I can help solve your website problem.

First, let’s figure out what the problem is. Is your website slow to load? Are certain elements not displaying properly? Once I know the issue, I can start working on a solution.

There are a few different ways to solve common website problems. If your site is slow to load, I can optimize the code and images to make it faster. If there are visual issues, I can fix them with CSS or HTML code. And if there are more complex problems, I can work with you to find a custom solution.

Mobile first Design

I put higher priority on mobile devices based on other devices. Because nowadays 92% of users use their phone to browse.

SEO Optimize

I follow the most standard and updated On-Page Optimization for all of my projects. To boost ranking on search engine.

Speed Up Website

Google Page Speed and GTmetrix are important tools that measure the speed of a website. And I follow their suggestion.

Complete Security

I'll secure your website from top to bottom to prevent hackers who may try to gain access to your site in order to steal information or cause damage.

Website that I have created

Here I have listed a few of my recent Projects that you can look at. And a few of them are Whitelabel Projects. 

Fraktal Studio - Social media Agency

This website is created from scratch from Figma to Gutenberg. On this project I have used Kadence Block, Kadence theme and Kadence Pro block.

Riad Mahmud
Business Referral Club Website

We have created this website from Figma design to WordPress using the Gutenberg FSE Spectra one theme and Spectra block free version.

riad mahmud
Massage therapist website

A complete website created using Spectra One FSE block theme core Gutenberg block and Spectra Pro block theme with free version.

Riad mahmud
English Learning Language Club

English learning Language Club website created using the Spectra One theme and Gutenberg block editor with Spectra block.

Let's discuss your website project

If you need help with your web design or want to learn more about my services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can use the form below to contact me, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

I look forward to learning more about you, your organization, and how I can help you achieve even greater success. In the meantime, please feel free to browse my website and see some of the work I’ve done for other clients.

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